Celebrate Recovery

What is CR

Celebrate Recovery is a biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits.  It is based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory.

Here we focus on the 8 recovery principles and twelve steps based on Jesus' words from the Beatitudes found in Matthew 5.

Get Connected

We have our large group meetings on Monday Nights 
  • 5 PM Dinner: Donations accepted; participation in the rest of the evening is mandatory
  • 6 PM Worship: Music, lesson, personal testimony or guest speaker
  • 7 PM Open Share Groups: men's and women's groups
  • 8 PM Coffee Bar & Fellowship: Dessert and coffee
Check out how you can get involved with CRPC:
To find out more about CRPC or to get involved in a step study, please email our leadership staff at crpc@fumc-pc.org

Our Mission

To offer Christ centered healing from our brokenness through love, hope, forgiveness and community

Our Vision

Ultimate Recovery from our BrokennessCRPC, Celebrate Recovery, Panama City, Florida


Take some time to hear Stacy's Testimony: a battle with Co-Dependency and Sexual Abuse 
testimony, co-dependency, sexual abuse, story, healing, CR, Celebrate Recovery