2018 Music Camp
- Dates: July 23-27, 2018
Cost: $50
- Lunch Provided
- Times: 8:30-Noon
Grades: Completed Kindergarten - 5th Grades
- Musical will take place on July 27 at 11am in the Community Life Center
2018 Music Camp
- Dates: July 23-27, 2018
Cost: $50
- Lunch Provided
- Times: 8:30-Noon
- Grades: Completed Kindergarten - 5th Grades
- Musical will take place on July 27 at 11am in the Community Life Center

By signing below, I (parent/guardian name) give my permission for (child's full name) to participate in the First United Methodist Church-Panama City Music Camp. In an emergency I grant permission for emergency medical treatment to be administered. I agree to pay all medical bills not covered by my insurance company listed below. I release First United Methodist Church-Panama City and all it's staff, volunteers, coaches, and participants from responsibility for any injuries or bills resulting in this program. I also give permission for my child to be photographed and for such photographs to be used for publicity purposes. I have listed information regarding allergies and/or medical conditions about my child of which staff/volunteers should be aware.